Monday, October 3, 2011

Well, now It‘s Monday Mourning!

Another memory Snap shot!

It’s sometime the next morning and I’m still very sick, (I was told)! The doctors are trying to figure me out and they still don’t know what’s going on with me or what has happened.

Our family Dr. (Dr. John) came to the hospital. I have Zero memory of him coming into the room or how long he had been in the room before the next thing happened but,,,, Yahoo, I have another significant impact moment that allowed me this particular memory snap shot!

Dr John ran something up the bottom of my foot and my reaction to that test set off a light in his head. He immediately said something like he had a stroke and ordered up an MRI for me.

I vividly remember this moment! I can see his face, hear his voice and remember that word, Stroke while he was standing at the foot of my bed.  It was shocking to hear but then boom, thats the end of that memory snap shot.

By him running his thumb nail or an object up the bottom of my foot he was performing a test called the Babinski reflex!   Babinski reflex is an important neurologic test based, believe it or not, upon what the big toe does when the sole of the foot is stimulated.

My foot and toe reaction gave away a huge clue to my body’s secret through that simple test.

I was sent out for an MRI, (we will chat about that snap shot later) and it was confirmed that indeed did have a stroke. Thank you Dr. John for being so wise!

The MRI showed that I had an aneurysm in my right vertebral artery and the shunt of blood to my brain, had caused my stroke.

My Soul mate and the Awesome Love of my life, my Wife was relieved but now very scared because all she knew was, you have a stroke, you live for a bit, then, you Die. It was a tough mourning for her!

Now I am absolutely no help to her regarding making any real decision on basic life issues or offering help to her, etc.., she was now under a great deal of pressure. Instantly, she has been thrust into being a caregiver. She now had to think about hers, mine and our particular parts to running life, what is his outcome going to be, how are we going to pay the bills, how will we…... The caregiver role is completely overwhelming and such a vital role.

The good news, (I Don’t remembers, she told me) was that we now have a diagnosis, and a goal to work towards, we can beat it!

Sometimes, Life tosses us some really tough times but we can’t just give up over them. When these trials come up in our lives, we have two choices. We can sit around and feel sorry for ourselves and live the poor me card or we can pull ourselves up by our boot straps and start to feel, heal and deal with the daily walk.

When we take our eyes off of ourselves and look around, we will usually find that there are many others in your community that have it much worse than ourselves!!!

Have a great life!

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