Friday, September 30, 2011

1-more Option to help you to!

One question that I get asked quite often is, “Now that we need to use a wheelchair in my house, there are several doors that I can just barely get through.” What can I do?

So I try to ask a few questions.

  • What kind of chair will be used, is it a power chair, manual chair a larger than normal chair?
  • Do you know how narrow the doors are in your home?
  • Without having to do any major work in your house, would an 1 ½” more width in the doorway give you the better access or at least get your chair in and out without rubbing?
My main reason for the questions is to see if they are aware of the size of the chair, how it fits through the doors and if not,how much too small is the doorway.

If the doorways are just barely too small or causing the chair to rub, look into installing swing clear or swing away hinges.
These hinges can be installed on your current door, with the same screws and that small 1 ½” width the current door is taking out of the actual door way opening, the hinge swing action removes.

Your door opens and closes the same way with the same effort etc..  but you will now have that extra width to get in and out of areas in your home!

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