Friday, October 21, 2011

Concept to Reality, why not?

I wrote this letter in, I beleive 1997 for the Home Builder Association and was read on the platform in Washington D.C. It was not well received because the builders didn't think that the added cost (minimal) was worth the effort!

 Living in a non perfect world as we all know we do, each of us are a heart beat away from the possibility of a major problem.  Each day we hear of a friend, acquaintance or a family member with a special need.  The problem could be a stroke, car accident or a slip on an icy step, this is how fast it can happen, and this is just the beginning.

Now this imaginary person could be you or a close family member. If this scenario were to happen to you, and you were unable to move freely on your own, what next? Would you have the ability to quickly set your home or living facility up to accommodate your needs?  Could you use your own bathroom or shower or maneuver throughout your own home without assistance? This is a very real situation in this life and needs to be addressed today, so that tomorrow you can be better prepared.

Universal Design is the simplest, most user friendly building concept and offers to all of us the biggest bang for our buck.  In the building industry quality, affordability and staying competitive are very important.  When using the universal design concept in your building it will add many very inexpensive but useful extras.

1.   Install wider doorways on main floor

2.Increase size of halls to 48”

3.Use lever hardware for doors         

4.Put shower on main floor.

5.   Use lever bath ware.  (There are many affordable models to choose from)

6.   Use some jobsite scraps of wood to put in backing around the toilet in the shower area, in the hallway, kitchen area etc. for easy install of grab bars or hand rail.

7.Attempt to have one easy access entry into home

 If a few of these guidelines were utilized in our every day building concept then we have the opportunity to offer a greater package for a very small amount of money.  One of the biggest feature to this design is, the people living in these home’s will have a longer time to live independently. They will be able to stay in there home atmosphere longer instead of being forced into a care facility, because they are already preparing or have prepared for the inevitable, or the unforeseen.

Duane Bishop

I am a 43 years old salesman and have been working very hard to relay to the public how easy we can accommodate more people.  In the last 3 years I have had to remove my self from the salesman role and step into the messenger role.  All I want to do know is to bring a few fairly inexpensive ideas to the table and allow more options for more people.

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