Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sundays Questions & Snap shots!

I was a riddle for the doctors that day! Upon my entry to the emergency room that morning till later that afternoon, I was sick but no obvious clues. I still couldn’t open my eyes without throwing up. My wife, My loving caring wife, never left my side. When I was so sick and weak, she was so calm, strong, and such a devoted concerned wife. The fear she had was hidden as strength to not put any more stress on me.

They inserted and injected me to try and get my convulsing under control. The IV was allowing me to get some fluids but I was losing it faster than they could keep it in me. The ER kept me all day with several short wobbly wheeled gurney trips to different parts of the hospital to hopefully lead to a definite answer, Why was I sick?

Later that afternoon the ER asked my wife if she would like to take me home???? She was dumbfounded. She asked if I had come in sick, I was still sick and no one has an answer to why I still can’t open my eyes and continuing to get sicker, no way was I leaving the hospital until someone comes up with the answer.

The decision was finally made and I was admitted. I really don’t remember much for the next 3 months except some snap shots of significant impactful type situations.

This is one of my memory snap shot of later that Sunday afternoon.

I am hearing some crying and sniffling in the room next to my bed. I struggled to open my eyes and looked up and saw my two daughters and wife standing in a row. I was certainly sick but couldn’t figure out why the crying? While I was struggling trying to place my thoughts together and put some logic to the sounds, I finally asked the girls, “why are you crying, did you break up with your boyfriend or something”. They all laughed at me then just like that, lights out no one was home. I don’t remember the rest of the day.

Later I will share more snap shots of humor, struggles and triumphs that were a part of my recovery, to life

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